1. The number of entries will be calculated by pieces. No distinction will be made between single photos and photo series. The number of entries submitted by each entrant should not exceed eight pieces, and one photo series is considered as one piece. Each photo can only be entered in one sub-category, and the jury reserves the right to select photos from Photo Series to Single Photo to be judged.
2. Photos shall not contain the full name of the photographer, name of their organization, link to the publication or any other information that makes it possible to identify the author of the photo.
3. Entrants should provide their own photo captions in English, which should include: the date when the photo was taken, the people in the photo, the subject of the photo, and the specific location where the photo was taken.
4. The original pixels and the content of the photo shall not be altered by adding, rearranging, reversing, distorting, removing, or adding people or objects. Minimum adjustment of exposure and color and cropping are allowed.
5. Only single exposure and single frame pictures will be accepted. Multiple exposures and collage images will not be accepted.
6. A photo series shall contain between 3 and 12 pictures.
7. Photo series taken by more than one person will not be accepted.
8. Photos must meet the following technical specifications:
9. Entrants should ensure that the photos accurately and fairly reflect the scene to avoid misleading the judges. Entrants shall not intentionally contribute to or change the scene by repeating or arranging events. Entrants should maintain the integrity of the image and ensure that the content is not altered.